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1. The ground and skirt corners are constructed with sturdy and impermeable materials; There are leakage liquid collection devices, gas outlets, and safety lighting facilities.
2. The storage yard using high-density polyethylene film as the artificial synthetic material lining layer should submit an integrity testing report for the artificial anti-seepage lining layer. Along with other inspection reports such as construction reports, complete completion drawings, and construction quality assurance certificates, they serve as the basis for environmental protection acceptance upon completion.
3. A 2mm thick HDPE high-density polyethylene anti-seepage geotextile film is laid above the ground of the hazardous waste storage room, and 50cm of the skirt corner is returned. A 20cm strength grade C30 concrete is laid above it, and finally a 2mm epoxy floor paint is applied. A 1cm thick mortar is applied to the skirt corner, and a 20cm cofferdam is set at the entrance. Set up diversion channels and waste liquid tanks, and lay steel grilles above them.
4. The storage site meets the relevant requirements of the Pollution Control Standards for Hazardous Waste Storage (the ground of the storage site must be hardened and treated with anti-seepage, and the site should be surrounded by a cofferdam or wall).
5.危险废物贮存场所具体图形标志及标准用语参考《环境保护图形标志—固体废物贮存(处置)场》(GB 15562.2-1995 )、《危险废物贮存污染控制标准》GB18597-2001)及其附录等。
5. The specific graphic signs and standard terminology for hazardous waste storage sites refer to the "Environmental Protection Graphic Signs - Solid Waste Storage (Disposal) Sites" (GB 15562.2-1995), "Pollution Control Standards for Hazardous Waste Storage" GB18597-2001) and its appendices.
6. The ground of the storage area must be hardened and constructed with concrete, bricks, or steel materials that have undergone anti-corrosion treatment. The ground should be coated with at least 2mm high epoxy resin to prevent leakage and corrosion (permeability coefficient ≤ 10-10 centimeters/second).
7. The storage site for storing liquid hazardous waste must be designed with diversion channels and collection wells. The place should have a canopy, cofferdam, or wall, and the place should be sealed with ventilation openings.
8. The box walls are made of double-layer steel plates with a thickness of no less than 1.2mm.
9. The walls of the box body shall be equipped with fire insulation of no less than 50mm.
10. Meet the requirements for container fire safety, seismic resistance, environmental protection, and corrosion prevention.
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