石转轮+CO 、沸石转轮+RTO 、危废暂存间、催化燃烧设备
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沸石转轮装置+RTO 蓄热式焚烧炉的工作原理介绍

发布人:武汉润华宏星涂装设备有限公司 发表时间:2024-06-27

在当前要求日益严格的背景下,废气处理技术也在不断升级。其中,沸石转轮装置+RTO 蓄热式焚烧炉是一种较为且有效的废气处理技术,被广泛应用于喷涂、包装印刷等行业。本文将详细介绍沸石转轮装置+RTO 蓄热式焚烧炉的工作原理。

Against the backdrop of increasingly strict environmental requirements, exhaust gas treatment technology is also constantly upgrading. Among them, the zeolite rotary device+RTO thermal storage incinerator is a relatively advanced and effective waste gas treatment technology, widely used in industries such as spraying, packaging and printing. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the working principle of the zeolite rotary device+RTO thermal storage incinerator.


The zeolite rotary device is a waste gas treatment equipment that uses zeolite as an adsorbent. It uses zeolite to adsorb harmful substances in the waste gas, thereby achieving the goal of purifying the waste gas. The zeolite rotary device consists of three parts: adsorption zone, desorption zone, and cooling zone. In the adsorption zone, the exhaust gas is filtered out of large particles through the action of the adsorption fan, and then enters the zeolite wheel for adsorption; In the desorption zone, the exhaust gas is desorbed by the adsorbent on the zeolite wheel under the action of high-temperature air, forming high concentration exhaust gas; In the cooling zone, the desorbed exhaust gas can be directly discharged after being cooled.


RTO 蓄热式焚烧炉则是利用蓄热材料对废气进行焚烧处理的一种设备。它主要由燃烧室、蓄热室和提升阀组成。在燃烧室中,经过沸石转轮处理后的废气在高温下燃烧,生成的高温气体通过蓄热室时,将蓄热材料中的热量释放出来,使废气得到充分焚烧。提升阀的作用是在废气处理过程中,不断地将蓄热室中的高温气体排出,以保证焚烧过程的顺利进行。

RTO thermal storage incinerator is a device that uses thermal storage materials to incinerate waste gas. It mainly consists of a combustion chamber, a heat storage chamber, and a lifting valve. In the combustion chamber, the waste gas treated by the zeolite wheel burns at high temperatures. When the generated high-temperature gas passes through the heat storage chamber, it releases the heat from the heat storage material, allowing the waste gas to be fully incinerated. The function of the lifting valve is to continuously discharge the high-temperature gas in the heat storage chamber during the waste gas treatment process, to ensure the smooth progress of the incineration process.

沸石转轮装置与 RTO 蓄热式焚烧炉的结合,使废气处理过程更加。,沸石转轮装置对废气进行吸附,将废气中的有害物质浓缩,从而降低了后续焚烧处理的压力;其次,RTO 蓄热式焚烧炉对废气进行焚烧,使有害物质得到彻底分解,确保了废气处理的效果。同时,两者的结合还实现了能源的循环利用,降低了运行成本。

The combination of zeolite rotary device and RTO thermal storage incinerator makes the waste gas treatment process more efficient. Firstly, the zeolite rotary device adsorbs the waste gas, concentrating harmful substances in the waste gas, thereby reducing the pressure of subsequent incineration treatment; Secondly, the RTO thermal storage incinerator incinerates waste gas, thoroughly decomposing harmful substances and ensuring the effectiveness of waste gas treatment. At the same time, the combination of the two also achieves energy recycling and reduces operating costs.

总之,沸石转轮装置+RTO 蓄热式焚烧炉的工作原理是利用沸石转轮对废气进行吸附浓缩,再通过 RTO 蓄热式焚烧炉进行焚烧处理,从而实现废气的有效净化。这一技术具有处理效果好、能耗低、运行稳定等优点,为我国废气处理行业的发展提供了有力支持。

In summary, the working principle of the zeolite wheel device+RTO thermal storage incinerator is to use the zeolite wheel to adsorb and concentrate the waste gas, and then incinerate it through the RTO thermal storage incinerator, thereby achieving effective purification of the waste gas. This technology has the advantages of good treatment effect, low energy consumption, and stable operation, providing strong support for the development of China's waste gas treatment industry.


This article is dedicated by Zeolite Wheel+RTO Friendship. For more information, please click: http://www.tdyhhb.com Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned

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