石转轮+CO 、沸石转轮+RTO 、危废暂存间、催化燃烧设备
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发布人:武汉润华宏星涂装设备有限公司 发表时间:2024-09-02


1、 Project Background


With the rapid development of industry, the amount of industrial waste gas emissions is increasing, causing serious pollution to the environment. In order to improve air quality and ensure human health, it is necessary to effectively treat industrial waste gas. To this end, we have developed a set of industrial waste gas treatment technology solutions to ensure that waste gas emissions meet the national standards.



2、 Processing technology


1. Adsorption method


Adsorption method is the use of adsorbents to adsorb harmful components from exhaust gas onto its surface, thereby achieving the goal of purifying exhaust gas. Common adsorbents include activated carbon, silica gel, molecular sieve, etc.


2. Catalytic combustion method


Catalytic combustion method is the process of converting harmful substances in industrial waste gas into harmless substances under the action of a catalyst, thereby achieving the goal of purifying the waste gas. Common catalysts include precious metal catalysts, transition metal oxide catalysts, etc.


3. Biological treatment method


Biological treatment method utilizes the biodegradation of microorganisms to decompose harmful substances in industrial waste gas into harmless substances, thereby achieving the goal of purifying waste gas. The commonly used biological treatment methods include biological filtration, biological drip filtration, etc.


4. Low temperature plasma method


The low-temperature plasma method utilizes active particles such as high-energy electrons and free radicals generated by low-temperature plasma to undergo chemical reactions with harmful substances in industrial waste gas, converting them into harmless substances and achieving the goal of purifying waste gas.


3、 Technical solution selection


According to the composition and characteristics of different industrial waste gases, several of the above treatment processes can be combined to achieve the best treatment effect. For example, for high concentration and low air volume organic waste gas, adsorption method can be used for pretreatment to reduce the concentration of waste gas and improve the efficiency of subsequent treatment processes; For organic waste gases with low concentration and high air volume, a combined treatment process of biological treatment and adsorption can be used.


4、 Process flow


1. Adsorption treatment process: exhaust gas collection system → adsorption device → purification of gas emissions


2. Catalytic combustion treatment process: exhaust gas collection system → heat exchanger → catalytic combustion reactor → heat exchanger → purified gas emissions


3. Biological treatment process: exhaust gas collection system → biological filtration (drip filtration) device → purified gas emissions


4. Low temperature plasma treatment process: exhaust gas collection system → low-temperature plasma reactor → purified gas emissions


5、 Equipment selection and design


Select appropriate treatment processes and equipment based on the composition and characteristics of industrial waste gas. When selecting equipment, factors such as exhaust gas treatment efficiency, operating costs, footprint, and ease of operation should be considered. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the equipment materials are corrosion-resistant, high-temperature resistant, and high-pressure resistant to improve the service life of the equipment.


6、 Operation and Management


1. Regularly check the operation of the equipment to ensure its normal functioning.


2. Regularly replace consumables such as adsorbents and catalysts to ensure effective treatment.


3. Regularly maintain and upkeep the equipment to ensure its service life.


4. Regularly monitor exhaust emissions to ensure compliance with emission standards.


7、 Waste gas treatment has always been an important issue in the fields of industrial production and environmental protection. With the acceleration of industrial development and urbanization, the amount of exhaust gas emissions continues to increase, and the difficulty of exhaust gas treatment is becoming increasingly prominent. Waste gas treatment involves various pollutants, including sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc. The difficulty of treatment mainly lies in the following aspects:

1. 污染物种类繁多:废气中含有多种污染物,其性质、组成和浓度各不相同。这给废气处理带来了很大挑战,需要采用多种技术和工艺才能有效去除不同种类的污染物。

1. There are various types of pollutants: exhaust gas contains multiple pollutants with different properties, compositions, and concentrations. This poses a great challenge to exhaust gas treatment, requiring the adoption of multiple technologies and processes to effectively remove different types of pollutants.

2. 技术难度大:废气处理技术种类繁多,包括吸附法、催化燃烧法、生物法、低温等离子体法等。每种技术都有其适用范围和局限性,需要根据具体废气成分和处理要求进行选择。此外,新技术的研发和应用也需要大量的投入和时间。

2. High technical difficulty: There are various types of exhaust gas treatment technologies, including adsorption method, catalytic combustion method, biological method, low-temperature plasma method, etc. Each technology has its own scope of application and limitations, which need to be selected based on specific exhaust gas composition and treatment requirements. In addition, the research and application of new technologies also require significant investment and time.

3. 处理成本高:废气处理设备的投资和运行成本较高,对企业造成较大压力。如何降低设备投资和运行成本,同时保证处理效果,是企业和部门面临的共同难题。

3. High processing costs: The investment and operating costs of exhaust gas treatment equipment are high, which puts significant pressure on enterprises. How to reduce equipment investment and operating costs while ensuring treatment efficiency is a common challenge faced by enterprises and environmental protection departments.

4. 监管和执法难度大:废气排放企业数量庞大,且分布广泛。部门在监管和执法过程中,面临监测难度大、取证困难等问题。此外,部分企业为了降低成本,可能偷排废气或数据造假,进一步加大了监管难度。

4. Difficulty in regulation and law enforcement: There are a large number of exhaust emission enterprises and they are widely distributed. The environmental protection department faces difficulties in monitoring and obtaining evidence during the supervision and enforcement process. In addition, some companies may illegally discharge exhaust gas or falsify data in order to reduce costs, further increasing the difficulty of supervision.

5. 环境与健康影响:废气中含有多种有毒、有害物质,对人类健康和生态环境造成严重影响。废气处理不当可能导致环境污染加剧,损害人类健康和生态环境。

5. Environmental and health impacts: Waste gas contains various toxic and harmful substances, which have serious impacts on human health and the ecological environment. Improper treatment of exhaust gas may lead to increased environmental pollution, harm to human health and the ecological environment.


Therefore, exhaust gas treatment is a complex system engineering that requires cooperation from multiple parties such as the government, enterprises, and research institutions, increased investment, strengthened technological innovation, and regulatory enforcement to achieve effective exhaust gas treatment and good environmental quality. By analyzing the investment and benefits of industrial waste gas treatment technology, the economic feasibility and environmental benefits of the treatment technology can be evaluated. Meanwhile, by optimizing the processing technology and equipment selection, investment and operating costs can be reduced, and economic benefits can be improved.


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