1废气成分1. Composition of exhaust gas沸石是一种混合物,其成分不同,能够吸附的VOCs组分也有所差异。因此,在选择转轮时,需明确废气的主要成分、含量、浓度、风量等参数,以便选择更加合适的沸石材料,达到处理VOCs的目的。Zeolite is a mixture with diff...
催燃烧运行状态燃空比的调定,催化燃烧时的空气比值范围一般在4%-11%之间。在燃烧条件之下,能实现较好的催化燃烧效果,燃烧系统就可以得到热效率,同时又能取得较好的排放效果。The adjustment of the fuel air ratio during catalytic combustion oper...
沸石转轮废气处理系统主要由两部分组成:废气浓缩系统和废气焚烧处理系统。The zeolite runner exhaust gas treatment system mainly consists of two parts: exhaust gas concentration system and exhau...
高浓度废气处理RTO技术流程可分为以下四个环节:The RTO technology process for high concentration waste gas treatment can be divided into the following four stages:1. 废气收集和预处理1. W...