工艺流程:Process flow:这种处理系统组合十分紧凑,集吸附、脱附和催化燃烧于一体。This treatment system combination is very compact, integrating adsorption, desorption, and catalytic combusti...
1.危险废物贮存间必须要密闭建设,门口内侧设立围堰,地面应做好硬化及“三防”措施。(防扬散、防流失、防渗漏)。 The hazardous waste storage room must be constructed in a closed manner, with a cofferdam set up on...
一、预处理系统1、 Preprocessing system首先通过初、中、高三级过滤法,去除废气中的细小颗粒,使有机废气满足沸石转轮吸附的洁净度要求;再通过升温降湿的方法,使有机废气满足沸石转轮吸附的温湿度要求;Firstly, the fine particles in the waste gas are...
(1)运行阻力大(1) High operating resistance原因可能是:①结露糊带;②脉冲阀不工作或损坏;③压缩空气压力太低;④脉冲阀工作时提升阀未关闭或关闭不严;⑤一个或多个提升阀处于关闭状态。The reason may be: ① condensation and paste; ② Pul...
(1)高浓度废气处理实现自供热燃烧,运行费用低,性价比合理(1) High concentration exhaust gas treatment achieves self heating combustion with low operating costs and reasonable cost-eff...
一、选址和布局:危废暂存间应选址在厂区内的下风向、离产生源近、地势相对较低且地面硬化、周围有防护设施和安全距离的地方,并且要合理布局,方便运输和操作。1、 Site selection and layout: The hazardous waste temporary storage room should ...