废水处理设备是用于处理废水的各种设施和设备的总称。根据不同的处理方法和流程,常用的废水处理设备可以分为以下几类:Wastewater treatment equipment is a general term for various facilities and equipment used to tre...
危化品库的智能终端通常涉及多个方面,以提高危化品管理的效率、安全性和合规性。以下是一些关键方面:The intelligent terminals of hazardous chemical warehouses usually involve multiple aspects to improve t...
1. 危废仓库要求:危废仓库应独立、密闭,上锁防盗,仓库内应有安全照明设施和观察窗口,危废仓库管理责任制要上墙。1. Requirements for hazardous waste warehouse: The hazardous waste warehouse should be independen...
按照《石油化工可燃气体和有毒气体检测报警设计标准》(GB/T 50493-2019)第2.O.3条以及第3.0.1条的标准要求。对以下四种存储情况进行分析:According to the requirements of Article 2.0.3 and Article 3.0.1 of the Des...
中央除尘设备由吸尘器主机、吸尘管道、吸尘插口及吸尘组件构成。The central dust removal equipment consists of a vacuum cleaner host, vacuum pipes, vacuum sockets, and vacuum components. ...