危险废物的危害The hazards of hazardous waste 1. 危险废物对大气环境的危害1. Hazards of hazardous waste to the atmospheric environment 如果危险废物得不到有效处理并长期积累,其小颗粒和灰尘就会进入空气环境,在气...
沸石转轮+CO设备运行中可能出现的问题Possible issues that may arise during the operation of zeolite wheel+CO equipment 在环保政策驱动下,近年来企业环保意识明显提高,全国各大、中型企业大多进行了环保设施的投资。但根据中央生...
如何进行危化品仓库的建设?How to build a hazardous chemical warehouse? 在现代经济发展中,危化品的使用越来越广泛,而危化品仓库的建设也成为了一个非常重要的方面。那么危化品仓库建设要求是什么呢?In modern economic development, th...
沸石转轮+RTO技术的简介及优势 Introduction and advantages of zeolite wheel+RTO technology 沸石转轮吸附+RTO催化燃烧技术是一种将沸石作为吸附剂、再将吸附剂热解的方法,使之从废气中去除污染物的技术,同时再通过RTO(Regenerativ...
沸石转轮+CO技术特点有哪些? What are the characteristics of zeolite wheel+CO technology? 1.吸附、脱附效率高。 1. High adsorption and desorption efficiency. 2.沸石转轮吸附VOCs所产...
工艺流程:Process flow:这种处理系统组合十分紧凑,集吸附、脱附和催化燃烧于一体。This treatment system combination is very compact, integrating adsorption, desorption, and catalytic combusti...
工艺流程:Process flow:这种处理系统组合十分紧凑,集吸附、脱附和催化燃烧于一体。This treatment system combination is very compact, integrating adsorption, desorption, and catalytic combusti...
1.危险废物贮存间必须要密闭建设,门口内侧设立围堰,地面应做好硬化及“三防”措施。(防扬散、防流失、防渗漏)。 The hazardous waste storage room must be constructed in a closed manner, with a cofferdam set up on...